i3Forum update – March edition
I3Forum off to a strong start in 2024!
The first couple of months of the year have been packed with good news and significant achievements for the benefit of the industry, and have also seen extraordinary progress for our major Restore Trust initiative. Here are some of the highlights : First off, a very warm welcome to our new members : Bayobab, Cellusys and AB Handshake. Great to have you on board, super excited to start working together!

Fight against Voice Fraud: Join the fight!
An updated version of the Code of Conduct jointly managed with the GLF was signed by multiple Carriers at Capacity Middle East. This new version includes a new clause related to IRSF. Please make sure you get in touch with the GLF and add your name to the impressive list of signatories.

Fight against Messaging Fraud: Action!
An updated version of the Code of Conduct jointly managed with the GLF was signed by multiple Carriers at Capacity Middle East. This new version includes a new clause related to IRSF. Please make sure you get in touch with the GLF and add your name to the impressive list of signatories.
Cloud Numbering and Inbound calls : new work group launched on March 6th!
As announced in our December newsletter, this new group held its first meeting on 6 March with about 20 participants. The objective is to analyze and give visibility to the critical aspects related to this topic, in order to meet the growing demand for new cloud communications through voice services, such as DIDs Geo&Mobile, Share Cost, ITFS and UIFN numbers, in a new world of digital services.
We are very confident that this group will be enriching as it brings together experts in the field with knowledge and experience across different geographies, types of customers, and corresponding needs in different usage scenarios.
If you are interested in participating, please join us!
i3Forum’s analysis on the impact of VoLTE roaming, with the need to validate international calls CLIs.
One of the growing concerns for Regulatory Authorities around the world is the use of National CLIs on incoming international trunks. How do you separate the legitimate use cases (Roaming, DIDs, Outsourced Call Centers, conferencing applications…) from the fraudulent ones, that support spam and scams. I3Forum’s analysis shows, when it comes to Roaming, the industry’s quick transition to VoLTE Roaming (Home Routing) will significantly change the landscape, and should be taken into account when choosing methods and tools to combat fraudulent usage.

Numbering Plan Community : growing fast and delivering value!
The i3Forum Numbering Plan Community is a fast-growing, participant-driven, free initiative with 20 company members and over sixty active individuals. It brings together industry professionals who are managing their company’s global numbering plan. They meet every other week to share the latest information and discuss related issues, thus improving everyone’s knowledge and understanding of the global Numbering Plan. Learn more about this innovative initiative and apply to join

CLI validation and roaming status checks : Technology Work Group at work!
Participants are working on the definition of guidelines to perform CLI validation and roaming status checks of calling identity on the international voice calls. The aim is to provide a harmonized common framework to detect and manage calls with spoofed CLI when both called and calling identities belong to the same country.
To reach this goal three main streams have been identified: analysis of mitigation actions (such as the adoption of VoLTE roaming), definition of CLI validation checks (such as numbering plan consistency), adoption of roaming status query techniques (such as standardized API). The work group is also considering new topics, such as 5G roaming, 5G slicing, signalling security and AI/ML.
Restore Trust initiative : One Consortium to launch on March 15th - please join!
Six months after its official announcement on September 7th, 2023, the first pillar of i3Forum’s Restore Trust initiative will become a reality on March 15th, with initial support from over 30 organizations. One Consortium aims to bring under one roof the entire international communications ecosystem : traffic carrying companies (voice and messaging), vendors, global industry associations.
The objectives are to a) agree a vendor neutral “toolbox” to fight illegal/unwanted communication (incl. international traceback, dealing with National CLIs on International trunks, KYC/KYT…), b) drive adoption in the industry, and c) build a self governance model to ensure enforcement.
One Consortium is supported by major industry organizations, including the GSMA and GLF. The second pillar of this initiative, creating a specific Global Regulatory Forum, is well under way. Such a new forum will help regulators collaborate on a multilateral basis to fight illegal/unwanted communications, and harmonize their views on what the issue(s) are, how to best address the challenges and what is required from the industry. It could also potentially enable cooperation between originating and terminating countries. Recommendations will be non-binding and this is not intended to in any way encroach on an NRAs sovereignty.