
Designed and managed by i3Forum Members and TeleGeography analytics experts with comprehensive voice data from participating carriers, Insights provides your business with actionable, data-driven intelligence.

How does Insights work?
Participating carriers sign up and upload voice traffic data into a system operated by TeleGeography on behalf of i3Forum. All data is anonymized and aggregated, remaining completely confidential and fully protected.
Each participating carrier can compare their own data against that provided by other participating carriers using Tableau, a state-of-the art analytics engine. Data provided by a given carrier is 100% confidential at all times.
Who is involved?
i3Forum offers Insights as a subscription service to the industry. We have an agreement with Telegeography to develop, operate, and maintain the platform on behalf of subscribers.
The i3Forum organizes and hosts the Market Data Work Group, maintaining regular oversight and improvement of the solution.
TeleGeography, the leading telecommunications market research and consulting firm, develops, operates, and maintains the solution on behalf of i3Forum and participating Carriers. They offer training and service demonstrations in support of new member acquisition and onboarding. TeleGeography is also an active participant in work group meetings and activities.
Participating Carriers
The Insights service is available to international carriers, whether or not they are i3Forum Members. This generally includes those that carry 100 million+ international wholesale, non-fraudulent voice minutes a year. To benefit from the service, Carriers need to agree to contribute their data.
As end-users of the solution, participating Carriers upload monthly performance data into the platform in order to benefit from the market trends and benchmarking outputs. Insights users must agree to a number of commitments with TeleGeography for seamless operation of the solution.
Details on customer's participation
- Designating a primary data administrator responsible for all obligations
- Submitting a 24-month historical archive of data when joining
- Working with TeleGeography during the onboarding phase to review how the tool works, what data streams are required to participate, and how such data must be formatted and submitted
- Submitting monthly performance, traffic, and other core KPI data to the solution
- Maintaining anonymity within the solution by masking any identifying customer or company information
- Reviewing and editing any flagged data that TeleGeography identifies as potentially erroneous on a monthly basis
- Researching and providing explanations (when requested by TeleGeography) for genuine data abnormalities
- Maintaining a running list of end-users who require access to the solution, and alerting TeleGeography to changes needed
- Maintaining a minimum 24-month historical archive of core KPI data
Core KPIs tracked with Insights
Geographic Data
- Terminating route, country, and region
- Termination type (Fixed vs Mobile)
Traffic & Revenue Data
- Wholesale minutes
- Direct minutes
- Average length of call
- Revenue
- Margins
Quality Data
- Service level
- Answer-seizure ratio
- Network-efficiency ratio
- Answer to bid ratio
- Roaming support
- CLI offered
Flexible tiers to meet your needs
Our flagship solution with a high level of analytics and data access flexibility.
Designed for core users who rely on this intelligence regularly across teams for planning, optimization, and day-to-day business operations.
Interactive data visualization for immediate exploration across your organization. Set automated alerts for key KPI thresholds and criteria. -
Push data directly to internal systems and tools via API calls. Pull data programmatically to create custom reports. -
Compare monthly data submissions against feed of aggregate market data. Automated and instantaneous feedback on possible data errors and suggested fixes.
Insights Light
Light touch integration into the Insights ecosystem.
Designed for users with smaller voice teams and more limited resources, who still require occasional market tracking and intelligence
Simplified static reports detailing aggregate voice market trends and detailed benchmarks of key KPIs against market levels. -
Reports emailed directly to a set of key users on a quarterly basis. -
Quarterly data submission to lessen internal resource requirements for integration into the Insights data ecosystem.
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